

√完了しました! 後沢鋭二 334935-後沢鋭二

Eiji Nochizawa (後沢 鋭二/エイジ) Eiji is a mysterious young swordsman, who is the top ranked player in Ordinal Scale Kirito and his friends encounter him during gameplay He was one of the Knights of the Blood Oath before Aincrad was cleared Voice Actorsハチマンくんとアスナさん 第635話 産声 ハーメルン ハチマンくんとアスナさん 作: 大和昭 > 641 / 809 第635話 産声 その日、重村徹大は、いつものように娘である重村悠那の様子を見る為に、 密かに悠那を運び込んだ、知り合いのNochizawa Eiji (後沢 鋭二のちざわ えいじ, Nochizawa Eiji), known as Nautilus (ノーチラス,Nōchirasu) in Sword Art Online (SAO) and Eiji (エイジ, Eiji) in Ordinal Scale (OS), is one of the antagonists of Ordinal Scale and one of the main characters of the Ordinal Scale side stories, including Hopeful Chantand Cordial Chords Sao ユナ 後沢鋭二